Welcome to HuskerOnline.com
There's really no debate amongst Nebraska fans that this website has been the No. 1 online provider of team and recruiting news, along with the No. 1 message board community of Husker fans since this website started over 10 years ago.
Change is never easy, but as we start to transition into the next 10 years both John Talman and I will strive to continue to make this website the No. 1 destination for Husker fans to get their news online.
Today our long standing partnership with Huskers Illustrated the Magazine and Landmark Publishing Company comes to an end. Rivals.com/Yahoo! and Landmark have not renewed their partnership with one another, which means the seven magazine publications associated with Rivals.com websites will pursue other network options.
The good news for us is this website has always had a separate online staff that was subcontracted by Rivals.com that had no affiliation to Landmark Publishing or Husker Illustrated the Magazine. Nothing about this change will affect this website, other than our new name of HuskerOnline.com.
You will continue to be able to access our site at nebraska.rivals.com, along with our new URL of www.huskeronline.com. Both the URL's www.theredseascrolls.com, along with www.redseascrolls.net will also get you access to the website as well.
Our entire online staff of John Talman, Mike Matya, Robin Washut and I along with our team of moderators will remain the same.
We have always gone the extra mile to make sure we get you Husker news first. The exciting thing with this change is we will now have more resources at our disposal to hire staff, travel to more places and bring you an even better brand of Husker football coverage.
We also want to acknowledge that without the great loyalty of our subscribers we wouldn't be here today. The day-to-day interaction you bring to the Red Sea Scrolls is ultimately the lifeblood of our site and we don't plan on that changing anytime soon.
At this time we also want to thank Aaron and Mike Babcock for the contributions they have brought over the years with Huskers Illustrated the Magazine and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
And lastly…welcome to HuskerOnline.com!
Sean Callahan
HuskerOnline.com Team Publisher