Published Sep 25, 2024
TNFS: What went wrong against Illinois, previewing Purdue
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Tim Verghese and Steve Marik
Inside Nebraska

In this week's edition of The Nebraska Football Show, Inside Nebraska's Steve Marik and Tim Verghese reflect on Nebraska's brutal 31-24 overtime loss to Illinois and preview the first road game of the year as the Huskers head to Purdue on Saturday.

The two first offer their takes on what went wrong against the Illini, highlighting points of concern on both sides of the ball, how the defense has disappointed relative to expectations and why, and touch on Nebraska's overtime struggles.

The two then preview Saturday's matchup, one that both see as a potential "get-right" game for Nebraska as they head on the road to take on the Boilermakers in West Lafayette. The two offer some names to know at Purdue on both sides of the ball, namely two pass-rushers that could wreak havoc on Dylan Raiola and the Nebraska offense, as well as two offensive playmakers worth noting, including one Husker fans know all too well at this point.

To close, the two discuss what they want to see from Nebraska on Saturday, when alarm bells should start ringing about specific concerns with the team and how Saturday serves as an opportunity to build momentum for the stretch of games ahead.

Watch the newest episode of The Nebraska Football Show in the video link below and on the Inside Nebraska YouTube channel, where you can subscribe for FREE to get even more daily content on all things Nebraska. Listen to the audio version of TNFS on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and in the links below.

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